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A war that wasn’t initiated for them or by them. But the clan paid the price.

The fights continued, and generations were killed – Proof that no clan was less. A few mediators benefited from the clans creating more disturbances, while a few sincerely tried to mend the bonds. Even though they were respected, their words fell on deaf ears when spoken of the peace. 
In such an ordeal, two spirits kindled the connection, which only strengthened with time and found solutions for their clans. 

About the Author

Aspiring author Maya Sanego fell in love with writing at 12. She explores cultural, social, and psychological elements in her writings. Her books predominantly revolve around the fantasy world with strong protagonists. Not every question or problem has a quick solution in the modern era. Through her words, Maya chooses to unveil the complexity of such problems by adding her own edge and quirk to pique your interest. 

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